Business Impact & Results
Absolute Circuits now ranks 1st for Flexgate Solved which is a major keyword that generates 5+ enquiries every day. As well as that, Absolute Circuits now rank locally for their main services. This was all achieved within 6 months of setting our targets.

Absolute Circuits also have 600+ organic keyword rankings across the board and is growly steadily month on month.

The Project Journey
We started working with Jamie on his re-designing & developing a new website that needed to be more modern, easier to use and SEO friendly.
We put together a simple WordPress website design containing lots of vector-based illustrations & graphics. We also integrated a fantastic booking system into the website which allows Absolute Circuits to facilitate MacBook mail-in orders.
Once the website we designed & developed was launched, we then proceeded to plan an affordable SEO strategy that would create a great impact on their online presence. We’ve since created a number of SEO focused articles, developed many landing pages, performed a lot of on-page optimisation and worked with Jamie to take his business further.
Client Feedback
“The team at Global Exposure helped my business devise and create a leading article for a design defect on Apple machines. The article was so popular we are now ranking in the top 5 globally for this issue and even better have a solution for customers. With the help of Global Exposure we managed to increase traffic considerably at the business and get multiple enquiries a day for this particular issue.” – Jamie Horn, Owner of Absolute Circuits